For us having a “GreenVision” means having the awareness that each action we take will have a consequence on the environment. For us means having decided to produce in a “eco-friendly” way through the use of photovoltaic installation for the production of electrical energy and exploiting an airconditioning system with “VRV” technology that allows us to get rid of traditional fuel.
Plastic resign / Aluminium
We produce components for the furniture industry using mainly recyclable materials as plastic resin and aluminum.
Since 2012 we have implemented the photovoltaic installation for the production of electrical energy. The new installation produces 160.000 KWh by year, allowing us to cover a part of our energy requirement and to give our contribution for the environment safeguard and the protection of our future.
We avoid to lead into the environment 85.000 kg of CO2 through our installation every year corresponding to 30 ton oil consumption.